Saturday, December 13, 2008

I'm way too sensitive....

Ok I know its been 5 weeks since my last posting but things have been happening....some good some bad....

But lately on my mind has been human rights.....particularly gay rights.....

I believe this week or last I watched the news and saw the case of a hispanic gay male who was badly beaten in BK by a group of guys because he was gay....he passed away.....

I watch the news and I always find something that really gets to me....but this got to me.....maybe its because I have best friends who are gay....maybe its because these kinds of actions make it harder for people to really be themselves....

All I know is that if something were to happen to my friends just because of who they were....I wouldn't know what to do....

Lets keep the love amongst each other....its hard to say but any lil bit helps....

That's all I have to say....have a goodnight and happy holidays.....