Wednesday, September 3, 2008


sooo i have a friend right that she recently went on a date with a guy that she was talking too....apparently they had a nice time...and then she never heard from him again...she hit him up the day after and he told her she was busy (ouch) and she decided to call him the day after and no heres the point of me writing this....

why is it that guys r so seems they have chilled before but this was the first time it was them 2 alone...what she makes it out to be is dat he probably didnt like her physical but why would he make plans to see her if he wasnt feeling her....

so i asked a couple of my male friends and i also asked my beau and they have various responses-
1. it could be he is not interested in her...
2. he could be playing hard to get...
3. he may not wanna ruin their friendship....

i wrote this to try to come up with a reason as to why guys r so damn puzzling...its like they want their cake and eat it too...i also feel like this guy is stringing her along....shes a great person and she totally deserves the best....

(if u read this i hope u let that go...if he wants u let him hit u up...dont seem like ur on his dik)

as for me....things are lovely...jerm and i r in a different mind state....i love him i cant help it....i need him and he completes me...<3 i love u jeremy

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